
800,000 voted tactically in line with Best for Britain’s advice

Best for Britain has published its report on the tactical voting campaign. We found more than 800,000 people voted tactically in line with our recommendations - that's people who would usually vote for a pro-EU party switching to vote for the one we recommended.

Read the full report here, or download the PDF.

Key Figures

  • Our digital channels achieved more than 200 million impressions and in the six weeks prior to election day we reached 25 million people in a 45.8 million electorate.
  • More than 800,000 people voted tactically in line with Best for Britain’s advice.
  • Our efforts helped Labour to victory in six seats they may well not have otherwise won.
  • The party we recommended received a significant boost because of our tactical voting advice in 19 seats.
  • More than 4.5 million unique visitors came to for advice
  • We recommended the highest placed remain candidate in 97% of constituencies where we made a recommendation

Tactical Voting

Tactical voting – voting for a party which isn’t your first choice – was a big part of Best for Britain’s election strategy, and with good reason: It’s extremely significant. According to the election day Ashcroft poll and analysis by our own data experts:

  • 10 per cent of the electorate voted Labour even though another party was their first choice. This group would largely have been Remain voters who felt Labour were the best chance for a Final Say vote.
  • 5 per cent of the electorate voted Lib Dem even though another party was their first choice. This group would largely have voted Labour in 2017.
  • 7 per cent of the electorate voted Conservative even though another party was their first choice. Some will have preferred the Brexit Party but there will also have been quite a few who were Lib Dem leaning but very anti-Corbyn (eg people who voted Conservative in 2017, Remain in 2016, Lib Dem in the Euros).

Read the full Impact Report here, or download a PDF here.