On the evening of Tuesday 7th September, the Elections Bill passed its second reading in the House of Commons by 327 votes to 228.
Although this is disappointing, the charged debate in the Commons shows that cross-party concerns about the bill are strong and we at Best for Britain are working to make sure that the most anti-democratic measures in this bill don’t pass without a fight.
Best for Britain has campaigned tirelessly on combatting the provisions in the bill that will weaken Britain’s democracy, disenfranchise already marginalised groups and rig future elections for those already in power. Despite the passing of the bill at this stage, there will still be chances to make a difference, especially at the upcoming committee stage, which will creates the opportunity for the bill to be amended.
Through our email campaigns, political engagement and press work we will ensure that the opposition to this bill continues to be heard. Our open letter on the bill, which was signed by a wide variety of organisations including trade unions, Liberty, HOPE not hate, Greenpeace and Save the Children, demonstrates that opposition to the Government’s anti-democratic tactics enjoys a broad base of support.
We know people are prepared to stand up and defend our democracy. We need your help.
Write to your MP today to show that you too will not take these assaults on our democratic freedoms lying down