
A Fair Recovery for all of Britain

We left the EU just as COVID hit the world. One avoidable, the other unforeseeable, we will all be living with the consequences for years to come. 

What we can change is how we decide to react and recover.  We want small businesses, entrepreneurs and workers to be at the centre of that recovery. 

The UK is going through a time of change. We left the EU just as the global effects of Coronavirus took hold. The combined impact of the steps taken to tackle the pandemic, alongside the deep and historic changes to the UK’s relationship with its closest neighbours has been huge and will continue to be felt for a long time to come.

The choices made by the government today will have huge effects on the Britain of tomorrow. We have an opportunity to get the best social, economic, environmental, and democratic outcomes for the British people

A better Britain 

In the face of Covid-19, groundbreaking decisions need to be taken to get a recovery that works for all of us. Alternative social and financial models, such as Universal Basic Income, should be explored to address unprecedented economic shocks and depression.

We have an opportunity to rethink the world and imagine a better, more humane way of living. Recovery doesn't mean going back to the way things were. Recovery means building back better, more equal and more innovative. 

Facts, not fiction

Best for Britain believes decisions should be made on the basis of science, reason and fact, not on populism, ideology or political point-scoring.

Decisions must be based on the best possible data, and every solution should be analysed and considered in the road to COVID recovery. 

We will continue to provide decision-makers with the best information possible. We will continue to conduct timely, empirical research into the political and diplomatic forces shaping our world. 

A fair recovery for all 

The only true recovery is a fair recovery for all. Every individual should be given the tools they need to recover from the COVID pandemic. 

Workers rights, whether they are freelance, zero-hour or self-employed, must be protected and enhanced in post-COVID, post-EU Britain. 

Small and medium sized businesses provide livelihoods for millions of families. The UK’s businesses have faced months of Coronavirus restrictions and closures, disruption at the UK’s borders, difficulties with post-Brexit supply chains and concerns around accessing workers now freedom of movement is gone.