
Poll: UK-EU Cooperation

We asked 4,400 people whether they support or oppose a range of possible types of co-operation that the UK and EU could consider: an agreement to reduce barriers to trade in goods and services; a new UK-E defence and security pact; a new joint approach on tackling cross-border crime; a new joint taskforce to tackle illegal immigration across the Channel, and; a new research, science and technology agreement.

Across the whole range of questions we polled, it is clear that an overwhelming majority of Britons support the UK extending co-operation with our neighbours in the EU. 81% support reducing barriers to trade in goods and services between the UK and EU, 72% support the UK signing a new defence and security pact with the EU, 86% support a new joint approach on tackling cross-border crime; 82% support a new joint taskforce to tackle illegal immigration across the English Channel and 77% support the UK signing a new research, science and technology agreement with the EU. 

Con-Lab Switchers

Voters who switched to Labour at the 2024 UK General Election but who had previously voted Conservative were a key factor in delivering the landslide result for the Labour Party, and we wanted to understand where they stand on UK-EU co-operation.

Con-Lab switchers support reducing barriers to trade at a higher proportion (87%) than the general GB population (81%) and are only two points behind Labour voters as a whole (90%). On a new defence and security pact, Con-Lab switchers are well ahead of the general population with 82% supporting it compared with 72% of all GB adults.

On joint approaches on cross-border crime and irregular cross-channel migration, a greater proportion of Con-Lab switchers support these measures than both the GB population and Labour voters.

Both Labour voters (87%) and Con-Lab switchers (86%) support a new research, science and technology agreement between the UK and EU at greater proportions that the GB population as a whole (77%).

The Data

Commissioned by Best for Britain. All figures, unless otherwise stated, are from YouGov Plc. Total sample size was 4,401 adults. Fieldwork was undertaken between 16th - 18th December 2024. The survey was carried out online. The figures have been weighted and are representative of all GB adults (aged 18+). 

The question asked: 

To what extent would you support or oppose the UK agreeing to the following types of cooperation with the EU?

  • A new UK-EU defence and security pact
  • Reducing barriers to trade in goods and services
  • A new joint approach on tackling cross border crime
  • A new joint taskforce to tackle illegal immigration across the English Channel
  • New research, science and technology agreement

For each, respondents chose between: Strongly support, Tend to support, Tend to Oppose, Strongly oppose, Don't know