
Lorries at Manston Airport - 'A taxpayer funded farce'

Lib Dem rising star Layla Moran has called the government's no deal preparations a "taxpayer funded farce" after Lorries started arriving at Manston Airport to test plans for UK border disruption. 

The MP, who was elected to represent Oxford West and Abingdon in the 2017 election said:

"This is a taxpayer funded farce. No deal doesn't need to be a real prospect but the government are just throwing money down the drain for effect.

"Chris Grayling and his department have spent tens of thousands to create the spectacle of vehicles in a traffic jam to get into a disused airport , who then wait on the site for the green light to then create a traffic jam by snaking their way, interested in convoy, to Dover. 

"The idea that creating a fake traffic jam will show the EU we are ready for no deal is just plain stupid.

"On days like this you have to think the UK has made a wrong turn somewhere."