Don't trade away their habitat

Palm oil has a dirty secret. It has ruined precious habitats, displaced indigenous people from their homes and put orangutans at grave risk.

The EU has recently agreed to stringent regulations on palm oil that mean countries must prove they haven't grown the plants on recently deforested land. 

The UK could easily match these world-leading standards but our Government is choosing not to. Instead, it is rushing to make a trade deal (CPTPP) that will reduce tariffs on palm oil to zero.

Instead of taking control in our trade negotiations, we're rushing to let other countries run roughshod over our protections for wildlife and nature. 

Countries like Malaysia have lobbied our Government to put their palm oil profits before the wildlife and creatures that thrive in the rainforests they're destroying, and this Government is about to let them have their way.

We can't let wildlife and habitat be destroyed for the sake of a post-Brexit trade deal.

We demand the Government drops any removal of tariffs on palm oil imports until it puts in place rigorous regulation to ensure no imports are linked to deforestation.

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Ban any palm oil that kills wildlife

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We demand the Government drops any removal of tariffs on palm oil imports until it puts in place rigorous regulation to ensure no imports are linked to deforestation.