Best for Britain is the proud secretariat for the UK Trade and Business Commission.
The UK Trade and Business Commission brings together ten MPs from all nine Westminster parties and all four nations of the UK, along with business leaders and expert economists to provide independent scrutiny of the UK’s trade deals and provide recommendations to the Government. The Commission is co-convened by Hilary Benn MP and the Chairman of Virgin Group, Peter Norris, and the secretariat is provided by the cross-party, internationalist group Best for Britain.
Since it was established in 2021, the UK Trade and Business Commission (UKTBC) has been working to understand how the UK's new trading relationships are impacting businesses and different sectors of the UK economy.
The Commission has hosted 38 evidence sessions, performed site visits to the Port of Dover, Belfast and farms in Maidstone, taken over 80 hours of live testimony from 234 expert witnesses, industry leaders and business owners and received written evidence submissions from over 200 organisations as part of an open consultation.
In June 2023 the Commission published a landmark report, Trading Our Way to Prospertity: A Blueprint for Policymakers, setting out a comprehensive set of recommendations for practical changes the UK Government could make to our international trading arrangements and domestic UK law.
This report is a product of the extensive work the UK Trade and Business Commission has undertaken and the valuable insights gained from speaking to businesses and experts which culminated in the development of 114 actionable recommendations. These recommendations are designed to enhance the UK’s trading relationships, foster business growth, and navigate through the current challenging landscape.