23 June: A Message of Hope
Thank you to the thousands and thousands of citizens who added their name to our message of hope, projected onto buildings at the heart of the European Parliament, ahead of the fifth anniversary of the 23rd June referendum.
Watch the moment it happened below:
Huge thanks to Wes Nijssen from Visual Assault & Jan Vanbriel from Rapid Media for making this possible.
You can also watch the full video with all the names that we beamed onto Brussels at 6pm tonight on Youtube or Facebook. Do hit subscribe or follow to get a reminder.
Watch the full video LIVE at 6pm
It’s been five years since the morning that we woke up to the referendum result. Five years since we decided something must be done - which was exactly why we set up Best for Britain.
In that time we've taken the government to court (twice!), we've held two prime ministers to account, and successfully campaigned to prevent some of the most damaging aspects of Brexit that could have been, were it not for people like you speaking out alongside us.
But as you know, the fight is far from over. Five years on Best for Britain is still working to make sure negotiators like Lord Frost keep to their word, and do what is right for our country - even if we never wanted to leave in the first place.
We still stand for openness and European cooperation. And we still believe an internationalist voice is needed in British politics.
Thank you for supporting us as we try to do what's right for you, and everyone most affected by Brexit. There is still so much to do - and if you’d like to help us make the next five years count, as we strive to make our country more outward looking; world-leading not world-beating, please consider making a donation or becoming a regular supporter.
During regulated election periods the law says we must make sure all donations of £500 or more are from people who are registered to vote in the UK, or companies that are registered and conduct their business in the UK. That's why we ask for your address and a phone number. If the same person donates more than once and their donations add up to more than £500 in the same calendar year, the same rule applies. Donations over £7,500 must be published by the Electoral Commission. Donations we find to be inadmissible may have to be returned.Outside of election or referendum periods we welcome donations from anyone who wants to help Best for Britain.
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