Past events
Do we need a people’s vote? The Conservative case for a final say on the Brexit deal
1 Brunswick Sq
Birmingham B1 2HW
United Kingdom
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If you are attending Conservative conference please join us for our event ‘Do we need a people’s vote? The Conservative case for a final say on the Brexit deal’ on the 1st October at 10.30am in the Barra Room at the Hilton Garden Inn with Dr Phillip Lee MP.
Conservative Party HQ has banned Best for Britain and other pro-European groups from advertising this event, and others like it, to their conference attendees. They think they can keep their members away from difficult ideas by refusing to put us in the conference directory.
Democracy needs debate. It needs people to listen to all sides and make informed decisions. The Prime Minister should not be scared of debate. If you're not attending the conference, you can still sign the petition to demand that Theresa May lifts the ban on remain groups at Conservative Party conference and puts our event in the conference directory.