Call on Labour to back Proportional Representation
Put Proportional Representation in Labour's next manifesto
Action now, not in five years
The system is broken. Parents struggling to pay the bills like Ceri can't wait. Take action now, sign the petition telling Labour's leaders to put proportional representation in their next manifesto.
The number of people relying on foodbanks has increased from 40,000 in 2010 to over 2million today and in one out of every seven households, adults like Ceri regularly skip meals. This year, energy and food prices have increased more in the UK than in any other G7 nation.
Our outdated voting system keeps the Tories in power with a minority of votes. You and the Labour Party have a chance now to make a change for Ceri.
Ceri can't wait
Sign the petition telling Labour's leaders to put fairer proportional voting for UK elections in the Labour Party's next manifesto.
The first step in this campaign was successful. Labour's Conference voted in September to support PR, the largest trade unions already back it, so Labour's leaders and the NEC now just have to honour that vote.
Tell them Ceri can't wait.
This isn't about party rule change or scoring political points. This is about the people who are being failed right now. This is about electing a government that actually matches what people vote for, and one that helps people in need. This is about people, not politics.
Ceri can't wait another five years for the election after next.
Why must change happen now?
Without a change of government, it could be too late to save our NHS after another five years. If the share of seats matched the share of votes they received, the Conservatives would have only won 2 of the last 21 elections. Even Margaret Thatcher would have failed to secure a majority.
A better voting system means Labour is likely to be in government more often and in a position to help people like Hassan. 80% of Labour members back a fairer voting system as does Britain’s largest trade union. Labour Party policy must now change to support a fairer voting system.
Why petition Labour's leaders?
Labour Conference in September 2022 voted overwhelmingly to support PR for House of Commons elections, the vote was supported by the majority of Labour members and the biggest trade unions. Labour's leadership have a huge role in deciding whether to honour this vote to make PR a reality. The policy still needs the leadership, Labour's National Executive Committee (NEC) and National Policy Forum to agree to put it in the next manifesto. They need to hear the strength of feeling about this. They need to hear from you.
Keir Starmer is the Leader of the Labour Party, Angela Rayner is the Deputy Leader, Anneliese Dodds is the Chair of the Labour Party.
What is Proportional Representation?
Proportional Representation is a fairer system of voting during elections where the number of parliamentary seats each party wins aligns closely with the number of votes that party receives. It allows voters to rank candidates by preference, meaning that you can always vote for who you want without fear of your vote being ‘wasted’. It also makes electoral pacts between parties unnecessary. This system is used in almost every healthy democracy around the world.
The Petition: To Labour's Leaders
(Keir Starmer, Leader of Labour; Angela Rayner, Deputy Leader; Anneleise Dodds, Chair of the Party)
Labour Conference overwhelmingly voted for Proportional Representation in House of Commons elections to be in the next Labour Party manifesto. We, the undersigned, call on Labour's leadership to honour that vote.
The last twelve years of Conservative government have been catastrophic for our economy, our NHS and other vital public services. Britain can't wait for the election after next.
While more and more people are being pushed into poverty and millions are struggling with a cost of living crisis, the Conservative Government has wasted an estimated £64billion of public money while awarding lucrative public contracts to Tory party insiders.
They have personally broken the law themselves. But our outdated voting system keeps the Conservatives in power with a minority of votes. If the share of seats matched the share of votes they received, the Conservatives would have only won 2 of the last 21 elections. Even Margaret Thatcher would have failed to secure a majority.
Right-wing parties worked together to win the last two elections. In 2019, with around 40% of the vote they got 56% of the seats. The Conservative Party knows that they can’t win under a better system. That’s why this year they rolled back fairer voting for local elections in England. 80% of Labour members back a fairer voting system as does Britain’s largest trade union.
A better voting system means Labour is likely to be in government more often. We are calling on Labour's leadership to honour Conference's vote for a fairer voting system at this year’s Labour Party Conference and to put Proportional Representation in the next manifesto.