
Can't Wait - Pledge to Support the Campaign

Call on Labour's Leaders to honour the vote

The Labour Leadership, the NEC and the National Policy Forum all now have a role in honouring this vote. This is the beginning of a seismic shift in UK politics.

Britain can’t wait any longer. The current broken system has delivered more than a decade of Conservative minority rule that has ruined our economy, gutted our public services and trashed our global reputation.

Conference has spoken - proportional representation for House of Commons elections must be in Labour's next manifesto. Pledge your support now and call on Labour's Leaders to honour the vote.

It's not just a vote at conference.

This is about people, not politics.

Pledge your support for electoral reform, for Frank, Ceri, Hassan, Sandra, Carole, and everyone being failed by governments we didn't elect. 

They can't wait.

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