According to reports, ministers are secretly planning to unilaterally cut tariffs on all imports to zero in the event of a no-deal Brexit, in a move that could flood the market with cheap goods and “ruin” industry.
Commenting, Best for Britain supporter Rupa Huq MP said:
“Workers have become the sacrificial lamb for Brexiteers.
“No deal would see havoc wrought on homegrown industries not seen since Thatcher. It really shows up the scam of Labour MPs in leave seats being offered cash bribes for their votes. A puny slice of funding won’t make up for the loss of jobs.”
Also commenting, Best for Britain supporter Jo Stevens MP said:
“The government is constantly telling us that Brexit means a chance to strike ‘ambitious’ trade deals around the world, but if our negotiating hand is so strong why do we need to throw British industry under a bus to strike these deals?
"This isn’t ‘taking back control’, it’s an act of sheer desperation from a government in denial about the effect that Brexit will have on jobs, our economy and our industry."