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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam quis magna nec diam euismod eleifend. Praesent odio sapien, laoreet nec gravida nec, pharetra nec neque. Nullam eget suscipit neque. Maecenas fringilla eros risus, et finibus nisi vehicula consectetur. Cras leo ante, tempus eu velit ut, congue sollicitudin odio. Aliquam dictum id justo vitae convallis. Proin eget ante tempus, lacinia turpis et, ornare neque. Sed scelerisque magna feugiat diam gravida, sed tempor quam pretium. In elit ante, rutrum vitae sodales vitae, tincidunt sit amet tellus. Cras efficitur velit ac lorem sodales aliquet. Ut quis urna pellentesque, mattis lectus non, commodo sem. Praesent quam leo, blandit eu malesuada a, eleifend a diam. Nam ipsum quam, euismod egestas ante id, elementum ultricies lectus.

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Pellentesque auctor purus eget lectus fermentum, blandit convallis sem porta. Sed blandit feugiat varius. Nullam sagittis faucibus malesuada. Ut gravida risus lectus, in gravida lectus dictum ac. Morbi sagittis sed mauris egestas ornare. Sed fermentum dolor quis augue viverra egestas. Etiam tempus molestie nulla at mollis. Etiam non venenatis nisl, vel aliquet ante.

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During regulated election periods the law says we must make sure all donations of £500 or more are from people who are registered to vote in the UK, or companies that are registered and conduct their business in the UK. That's why we ask for your address and a phone number. If the same person donates more than once and their donations add up to more than £500 in the same calendar year, the same rule applies. Donations over £7,500 must be published by the Electoral Commission. Donations we find to be inadmissible may have to be returned.

Outside of election or referendum periods we welcome donations from anyone who wants to help Best for Britain.

Donations by debit/credit card are processed by Stripe.


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Contributions are not tax deductible.

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During regulated election periods the law says we must make sure all donations of £500 or more are from people who are registered to vote in the UK, or companies that are registered and conduct their business in the UK. That's why we ask for your address and a phone number. If the same person donates more than once and their donations add up to more than £500 in the same calendar year, the same rule applies. Donations over £7,500 must be published by the Electoral Commission. Donations we find to be inadmissible may have to be returned.

Outside of election or referendum periods we welcome donations from anyone who wants to help Best for Britain.

Donations by debit/credit card are processed by Stripe.