Commenting after the debate in the House of Commons on the meaningful vote and a last minute government concession which staved off a major rebellion, Best for Britain champion Layla Moran MP said:
"Today the government have been forced kicking and screaming into giving away more concessions at the 11th hour to stave off a humiliating defeat. This government and its Brexit strategy is a shambles.
"The government played dirty on this one, using some real gutter tactics: they tried to take advantage of sick and elderly Labour MPs in a desperate bid to win this Brexit vote, but had to concede with only hours to go before the vote.
"The real significance of today’s showdown is that it’s a dress rehearsal for the biggie next month - the customs union amendment to the Trade Bill. The Prime Minister now knows that we have the numbers and the steel to force her hand again.
"She must now agree to a people's vote with the option to remain and let citizens, not politicians, have the final say over this process."
Notes to Editors - If you use the quote please mention Layla is a Best for Britain champion