We’re just days away from the most important point of the Withdrawal Bill Committee stages – 8 days of debate that are shaping the way the Government tackles the legal side of the Brexit process. And on Wednesday 13th December, it’s the turn of the vitally important Amendment 7 to take the floor.
We’re just days away from the most important point of the Withdrawal Bill Committee stages – 8 days of debate that are shaping the way the Government tackles the legal side of the Brexit process. And on Wednesday 13th December, it’s the turn of the vitally important Amendment 7 to take the floor.
You’re here reading this, so we hope you’re interested and ready to take action in what could be the biggest week in Brexit so far.
Quickly, first, have you signed our Lucky7 petition already? If not you can do that here.
If you’ve already done this, then why not:
1. Call your MP? Ask them to: uphold Parliamentary sovereignty, take back control and support Amendment 7 to Clause 9 of the EU Withdrawal Bill. You can find your MP’s contact information here.
2. Write a letter to your local paper? 17% of people get all or almost all of their news from local news sources! Today I have written to local papers across the country. Here is what I’ve said for some inspiration:
Dear Sir/Madam,
When people voted in the EU referendum last year, little was known about what a future deal with the European Union would look like. 16 months on, it is now very unlikely that any deal will be able to provide the same easy terms of trade and commerce with our most prosperous neighbour.
This is why I believe Joe Bloggs, as Anytown’s MP, should have a meaningful vote on the deal struck with the EU and why everyone in the country should also then be entitled to a Vote on the Deal.
I urge you therefore, by December 13th, to add your name to this amendment to the EU Withdrawal Bill.
* Amendment 7: ensures that Parliament has a vote on the Deal. This is an amendment tabled by your colleague Conservative MP Dominic Grieve. It has cross-party support. The referendum was about ‘taking back control’ and giving it to Parliament. This amendment does just that.
People in Anytown are asking you to trust them.
Yours sincerely,
Eloise Todd
CEO Best for Britain
3. Take the campaign to the streets in your local area. We’ve done a great print-ready, A5, flyer template that you can use. Download the pdf here!