In the Commons Andrea Leadsom, the leader of the Commons, announced the business for next week. It does not include a vote on the Brexit deal. Responding to the news, Best for Britain champion Virendra Sharma MP said:
"Today the government admitted that the Brexit debate will be delayed until January. This shows that the bloodletting of yesterday was just a prelude for the weeks of trench warfare ahead.
"I thought you could only kick the can down the road so far, but the Prime Minister has run out of so much road that she's started laying the asphalt herself.
"I don't think it's a good idea to leave Tory MPs to stew over their turkey at Christmas over this bad deal.
"Parliament is in deadlock, we need to now throw this back to the people and give them a final say on the deal."
Notes to editors - If you use the quote please mention Virendra is a Best for Britain champion