
£344 million Brexit travel tax - Best for Britain analysis shows

The European Union is moving forward with plans to charge travellers coming from countries outside the single market a €7 “travel authorisation fee” to cross into its territory, British travellers after Brexit will be hit.

Best for Britain analysis believes that this will cost travellers up to £344 million in the first year of the fee.

Yesterday, the EU announced plans for a €7 to buy three-year travel passes to holiday in the EU. Best for Britain believe that it will cost the public an extra £344,141,059.

According to ONS figures, 54,679,000 visits were made to EU in 2017. 36,725,000 visits were made for holidays to the EU, 4,788,000 business trips and 11,832,000 trips to meet family and relatives.

Responding, Best for Britain boss Eloise Todd said: 

“The fact that Brits will now have to pay to visit the EU was never on the ballot paper in the referendum. This is a Brexit travel tax.

“Voters should have a say on whether this is really what they wanted and be given the option to stay. That’s why I support a public vote on the final deal.”


Notes to editors - Analysis by Best for Britain uses ONS travel statistics from 2017. The data can be found here:

The announcement about the fee can be found here: