This week’s main Brexit news centred around chlorinated chicken. Although Liam Fox dismissed the issue as only a “detail”, it has caused a furore in the press – and for good reason. The story is just the headline-grabbing tip of the iceberg when it comes to changes that the UK food industry may face post-Brexit.
This week’s main Brexit news centred around chlorinated chicken. Although Liam Fox dismissed the issue as only a “detail”, it has caused a furore in the press – and for good reason. The story is just the headline-grabbing tip of the iceberg when it comes to changes that the UK food industry may face post-Brexit.
In the struggle to secure free trade deals, the UK will face having to compromise with other parts of the world that have wholly different priorities. Differences of opinion over food-related issues have derailed trade deals in the past, and it is entirely possible that we will have to consent to weakening our high food quality and environmental standards in the pursuit of economically necessary trade agreements.
Food prices are also likely to be affected. Whilst we currently enjoy tariff-free trade with the EU, a failure to negotiate a free trade agreement will see significant tariffs imposed on all our purchases, with food products being hit the hardest. The decline of the pound’s value will also increase the cost of imports, as will the possible introduction of customs checks and duties. Taken together, these Brexit ramifications will have the effect of significantly bumping up the cost of your weekly shop.
We’ve created the shareable graphic below to provide a quick snapshot of the likely effect that post-Brexit tariffs will have on some of the UK’s most-loved products. Please share it with your friends!
These impacts are expanded upon in a new blog post which details just 8 of the ways Brexit could impact the food industry. Give it a read to find out how Brexit is set to negatively affect not only your bank balance, but everything from strawberries, to bees, to Cadbury’s Dairy Milk.
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