Ensuring the safety and quality of the UK's food supply, particularly regarding chemical contaminants and residues in food, is crucial for protecting public health, promoting consumer confidence, and facilitating trade with EU partners.

By exchanging information, expertise, and best practice for the management of chemical contaminants and residues in food, the UK can base its approach to food safety on EU standards, bolstering consumer confidence and facilitating trade with EU partners.

6. The UK should strengthen its monitoring and control systems for chemical contaminants and residues in food, at least in line with EU requirements.

7. Maximum residue limits (MRLs) for pesticides, other contaminants, and veterinary drugs should be aligned with the EU, including Regulation (EC) No. 396/2005 and Regulation (EC) No. 470/2009.

8. The UK should enhance its national residue monitoring programmes and risk-based control systems to ensure compliance with EU regulations, incorporating regular testing and reporting of results.