Research and opinion polling, which is the bread and butter of Best for Britain’s work, helps us, and others, craft messaging that debunks the myths spouted by the hard-right and the far-right. But it’s also vital that we meet people where they are - not just on social media - but in real life too. In 2025 we plan to reach people on the doorsteps, in the letterboxes, and on the billboards of towns and rural areas where Reform UK are currently making gains. Our aim is to fight divisive rhetoric with hopeful messages that demonstrate there is more  social cohesion than opportunists are trying to portray. In the 2024 general election Best for Britain’s election campaigning reached millions - online and offline - with authentic and emotive visuals and messaging. We take that approach into 2025, because although a general election is four years away, this work must begin today to avoid a hard-right take-over in 2029.