
Gordon Brown to speak at Best for Britain LIVE event

Best for Britain will welcome special speaking guest The Rt Hon Gordon Brown to a Best for Britain LIVE evening talk.

Former Prime Minister Gordon Brown will join Naomi Smith, CEO of Best for Britain and Lord Mark Malloch-Brown, president the Open Society Foundations at 6pm on Monday 19th April at a Best for Britain LIVE event.


You can obtain a ticket to the event by making a £6 donation here. 

All proceedings from tickets will be used to support Best for Britain's campaigning work. 

Naomi, Best for Britain's CEO said: 

"We are excited and honoured to have Gordon speaking at a Best for Britain LIVE event. This event is an opportunity to gain perspective on the unprecedented challenges that lie ahead, through the eyes of the prime minister who led the UK through both the Great Recession and a flu pandemic. 

Mark Malloch-Brown and I will be talking to Gordon about unprecedented challenges that lie ahead. In the midst of the coronavirus crisis and our trade agreement with Europe still incomplete, there are many questions to be asked about what ‘Global Britain’ will look like.

We’ll also be asking what the Erasmus+ replacement means for the next generation of Britons? What the current Chancellor should be doing for a whole generation of young people facing joblessness? And what must happen to do to restore the UK’s commitment to aid and international development."

Purchase your ticket here