
Here we go…

This is your chance to sign up and become part of the wider Best for Britain team! We’re starting our training and get-to-know-you sessions online and in person over the coming weeks.

This is your chance to sign up and become part of the wider Best for Britain team! We’re starting our training and get-to-know-you sessions online and in person over the coming weeks.

If you want to get more involved, be connected with fellow supporters in your area and learn how we’re going to work together over the coming months, sign up below.

Best for Britain members span across every corner of the UK and we want to bring this fight to everyone everywhere!

Our objectives are to change public opinion on Brexit and ensure there is growing support for No Brexit as an option. A new deal for Britain within the EU is possible. We must make our voices heard with politicians, businesspeople and more to make sure they have the confidence to speak up against Brexit.

For people across the UK, we’re running online strategy and Q&A sessions that everyone can hop onto and get stuck in. At these sessions we will:

  • Tell you about our plans
  • Get your feedback and input
  • Work out together the next steps for your region

We are going to try and do the training sessions by region, click here for dates and times. Don’t worry if you can’t make the time for your region, it’s not a dealbreaker, sign up for the one that you can make instead!

If you’re in London or visiting next week, we’ll be doing out first in-person training sessions, in the evening on Wednesday 30th and Thursday 31st August, in the Covent Garden area. Please sign up and secure your place here.

We must not lose our voice, and it only takes one voice to change history, imagine what many could achieve. The general election gave us a lifeline on Brexit, now it’s time to use it.