
'No-deal Brexit will undermine Chancellor's jobs support'

The Chancellor, Rishi Sunak, has set out the Government's Spending Review today in Parliament.

The spending review sets out where the government expects to spend money in the coming year.

Responding to the Spending Review, Best for Britain CEO Naomi Smith said:

"The Chancellor has set out a package to support jobs in response to the dire economic circumstances we find ourselves in after a year of COVID.

"But these measures are undermined by the government's failure to get a handle on any of the crises facing our country. 

"As an official Cabinet Office document warned this week, the combined impact of COVID, Brexit, flu and flooding will be devastating this Christmas. But a no-deal Brexit and continued failure to sort out Test and Trace will make this worse. 

"The priority should therefore be to supplement this jobs support with policy that protects the economy and peoples' livelihoods, starting with securing tariff free access to the world's largest single market."

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Use Best for Britain's simple online tool to send a message to your MP. Let them know British businesses need a proper deal with Europe. 


Time is running out to get a deal, and time is running out for businesses that need to prepare for the end of this year.