The Prime Minister has written to the EU this morning requesting a further extension of Article 50 until the 30th June, ahead of next week's Special European Council meeting.
Commenting, Best for Britain supporter, and Green Party MP, Caroline Lucas said:
“These are the actions of a Prime Minister completely at odds with reality. The EU rejected an extension until the 30th June just weeks ago and they look set to do the same again at European Council next week. This is a national humiliation. Far from taking back control, we are now completely at the mercy of the EU27.
"This letter also undermines ongoing talks with Labour by effectively ruling out a people's vote on the final deal. Both party leaders, and our EU partners, must recognise that we need more time to get out of this gridlock, and not force parliament to make a decision in days which it’s been impossible to get to in almost three years.
"If that means we participate in the European elections, bring it on. We shouldn’t be fearful of any sort of democratic process or event, and there is certainly no way in which a trip to the ballot box on 23 May should be a reason to leave with an ill thought through rushed and harmful deal.
"Any form of Brexit damages jobs, communities and our environment. We must use the Article 50 extension granted by the EU wisely, going back to the British people so that they can have the final say on Brexit."