Standards infrastructure policies
The implementation of the new mark is crucial for maintaining high levels of product safety and quality, ensuring the competitiveness of UK businesses and maintaining consumer confidence in UK products. The UK Government must consider taking steps to remove the current uncertainty about when the regime will change and hence limit the resulting damage to both consumer and investor confidence.
23. The UK government should delay the mandatory use of the new UKCA marking until there is a clear demonstration that the marking offers tangible benefits to UK regulators, businesses and consumers.
24. The UK Government should use the intervening time to fully review the UKCA certification process and ensure that it is cost-effective, efficient and risk-based. This could involve simplifying documentation requirements, focusing on innovative digital solutions or reducing the need for third-party assessments.
25. The UK government should work closely with the EU in order to establish a plan for the mutual recognition of conformity assessment results. This would reduce trade friction considerably for UK businesses trading into the EU.
26. The UK Government should support maintaining the position of BSI within the European standardisation framework.