
Stock up on long life products for no-deal, schools told

Schools have been told to stock up on longer shelf life products in preparation for a no-deal Brexit.

The Department for Education published guidance on Tuesday urging schools to prepare for 'possible changes to their food supply chain' from 1 January.

The guidance said necessary changes might included 'varying the timing and number of deliveries to allow for transport delays' and 'ordering longer shelf life products during this period , such as frozen foods or foods that can be safely stored at room temperature.'

The Department for Education guidance to schools can be read here.

Commenting on the new guidance, Best for Britain CEO Naomi Smith said

"Instead of supporting schools during this incredibly difficult period, the government is throwing more challenges their way.

"They shouldn't have to be worrying about getting fresh food to children in the new year, but that's exactly what a no-deal Brexit would mean.

"There's nothing schools can do to mitigate that threat. It's up to the government to negotiate an agreement that allows trade, and food, to move quickly and smoothly across our borders."

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Time is running out to get a deal, and time is running out for businesses that need to prepare for the end of this year.