
Third time unlucky - PM's deal voted down again

The government's Withdrawal Agreement was voted down yet again this afternoon in the House of Commons. 

Best for Britain supporter David Lammy MP said:

"Today's vote must be the last time the Prime Minister brings her botched deal before the House. It is a damning indictment on our government that on the day originally scheduled for exit, the country is no nearer to a conclusion to this mess.

“Theresa May’s deal has been rejected three times in a row now - and for good reason. It would make our country a rule-taker rather than a rule-maker and threatens to crush our public services.

"But it also betrays the country. Public opinion has shifted over the past three years and Britain has changed its mind. We cannot allow any deal, be it the Prime Minister's or any other, to pass without the public being given the final say."