A fortnight back, following an unexpected Telegraph front page splash about our previous funding from George Soros's Open Society Foundations, we launched our #FightBrexit Fund Crowd Funder, hoping to prove true the adage, that 'any publicity is good publicity'.
Lucky for us, it did seem to draw the eyes of new supporters in our direction, as well as prompt George, and thousands of others, to donate to our fund to enable us, and our friends and partners to step up our 'Fight Brexit' efforts.
Last night, on Thursday 22nd Feb, exactly two weeks after we kicked off, we hit the amazing target of £200,000, donated by almost 6000 individuals, as passionate as we are to stop Brexit. Or, in a few cases, just really, really annoyed by Boris.
Thanks to fabulous match-funding boosts from George, and from our supporter and friend Stephen Peel, we're fortunate enough to be able to transform your generosity into a fund that amounts to over £400k of support for our campaign efforts going forwards. This includes offering support to great grass roots campaigns that have sprung up to tackle bringing the No Brexit message to their town, region of demographic.
We hope to start sharing the exciting developments and projects you've made possible very soon, but until then, please explore the new website, check out the latest Barnstorm schedule and keep sharing the message that 'Brexit isn't a Done Deal'.