Here’s a bit of a ‘To Do’ list to keep you occupied and make sure that you’re starting your Brexit Battling year in fighting form.
Welcome back! We hope you were able to eat, drink and be merry over the break, and managed to avoid any Brexit-related family fall-outs around the Christmas Turkey (or whatever you tucked into with your loved ones).
You could say, that while it can occasionally be difficult to feel goodwill to all mankind when Uncle Peter is saying how much he looks forward to the UK ‘taking back control’, this year finding common ground and embracing the spirit of cooperation is more important than ever. In that light we’ve been having some great gatherings with our extended ‘family’ of pro-EU campaigners, and we’re launching into 2018 with a serious bang. We look forward to sharing our forthcoming plans and projects with you over the next days, weeks and months.
In the meantime here’s a bit of a ‘To Do’ list to keep you occupied and make sure that you’re starting your Brexit Battling year in fighting form.
1) Read these great pieces in the Sunday Times and Independent from our Chairman Mark Malloch-Brown and our CEO Eloise Todd:
Lord Malloch Brown is here to coax us back to Brussels
This is how Brexit can be stopped in 2018
2) Do these Social Media bits:
If you’re on Twitter, find fellow Remainers and show you’re against leaving the EU by adding the #FBPE (‘follow back, Pro-European’) hashtag to your handle.
Encourage a converted Leaver friend to go public and join fellow converts via the #RemainerNow movement that kicked-off in fine style in December.
And if you’re on Facebook, join your local BfB group to get active locally (find the list here), and if you’re into your numbers, or would self-describe as a Creative Type – please consider joining our Data Team, and/or our Creative Hackers group to lend your talents to the cause.
3) Activate your political power:
If you’re a Labour voter or member, get involved with these two great in-party pushback movements:
Labour against Brexit – Facebook and Twitter
Remain Labour – Website and Twitter
If you’re a Conservative then show your support for their pro-EU MPs by following them on social media, or writing them a letter of thanks, even if they aren’t your local MP. Or join a EU-supporting Conservative group such as Citizens for Britain, or follow Tories Against Brexit on Twitter.
And if you’re a Lib Dem voter, or SNP, you’re pretty much set, but it won’t hurt to follow the official party accounts on Twitter and Facebook, if you haven’t already.
We’ll be back soon with more ways and means to help you get active and make your voices heard! But if you have any suggestions, please let us know via [email protected].