MPs receive a high volume of correspondence, so are not always able to reply personally to every email. We also know that every MP manages their inbox slightly differently and it is factored into our campaign strategies that some MPs may not reply to emails sent as part of our campaigns.
We know from speaking to MPs that even when they don't reply to every message they do take note of the volume and sheer number of emails on a particular subject and it still influences them.
In fact, receiving a 'template' or generic reply from your MP rather than a personal one can actually be a very good sign tha the campaign is working - it probably means they have received so many messages on the subject they cannot possibly respond to them all individually!
By sending your MP a message as part of a coordinated campaign you make sure that they know many of their constituents have similar concerns and at the very least you make sure they cannot say that none of their constituents are worried about the issue. MPs talk to eachother, and even if a particular MP doesn't reply to emails or is unlikely to take the action we want, we still want them to be getting messages and to be discussing them with their colleagues.