Your MP is there to represent your community in national politics. So when you have an issue you care about, whether it's something that's already being debated in Parliament or something you think should be raised, it is important that you draw your MP's attention to it. They will only know what you care about and what you think they should do if you tell them! This is what we describe as the one-to-one relationship between a constituent and their MP.
If that isn't reason enough, by sending your MP messages through you are taking part in a coordinated campaign designed to influence decision-makers and those with power to raise our issues at a national level. Where one message alone might prompt a response from a single MP, thousands or tens of thousands of messages from Best for Britain supporters to MPs acting together with a shared message will make a clear impact.
Using to send a message to your MP helps amplify and target campaigns based on our shared aims and values direct to decision-makers. If you have signed a petition to make a public statement that many people support a campaign, contacting your MP is the necessary next step.