A new YouGov poll in The Times finds more supporting a second referendum than opposing by 42% to 40% - the first time this has been the case for the pollster's second referendum tracker. Commenting, Best for Britain CEO Eloise Todd said:
"Elected politicians are behind public opinion - two years behind to be precise.
"The public are becoming increasingly restless. They don't want a shoddy deal full of second-rate concessions, or a nightmare no deal.
"The sands of public opinion have shifted against Brexit - that's why it's crucial to have a people's vote on Brexit with the option to stay in the EU."
Notes to Editors:
Here's a link to the poll: http://www2.politicalbetting.com/index.php/archives/2018/07/27/for-the-first-time-yougov-finds-more-supporting-a-second-referendum-than-opposing/#vanilla-comments